Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Whimsical Thought...

I have now found my newest favorite photographer (one among a LONG list that keeps on growing)! Her name is Susan Berman of Whimsical Photo Design. And guess what, she BLOGS! I LOVE reading blogs. My fabulous sister-in-law turned me onto the blogging world and my life has been forever changed. But anyway, she [Susan] wrote a blog about Finding the Soul of a Child. It was such an incredible post and as I was reading it I immediately thought of this family.

In her post she talks about being in a class at WPPI where Tamara Lackey (another recent addition to "The List") was speaking. Basically (I am not doing this post any have to read it from Susan) as a photographer we are more than just button Children's photography it is all about the photograper being able to connect to a child's soul. Which brings me back to the Kindred Family...

After I read her post it really felt like she put these raw emotions that I feel about these portraits, a set of emotions that are hard to explain...hard to put into words, that stir deep inside me...into a six beautiful words..."Finding the Soul of a Child". That's what I am looking for when I shoot children's portraits and that's what I hope all parents see when they look at my portraits.

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