Monday, December 28, 2009

New product launch CASTING CALL...

I will be launching a new product for Father's Day of 2010. But... I need to make a sample book and I am seeking out two models. I need (one) boy and (one) girl to model for my studio. If you are interested in having your child be considered for this shoot please send me your CHILD's answers to the following questions.

1) My daddy is as handsome as....

2) My daddy is as strong as...

3) My favorite thing to do with my daddy is...

4) If my daddy and I could go anywhere in the world it would be...

5) I want to __________ just like my daddy

If your child meets the following requirements and you are interested please post your child's answeres on my facebook under Discussions.

Only requirements are:

  • your child must be between the ages of 3-7

  • you must be willing to shoot one of three dates that I provide at a location of my choice (within 15 miles of Menifee)

  • must be willing to sign a model release & provide studio with any additional information needed to complete the project


  • No session fee ($125 value)

  • $50 credit towards purchase of new product (product retail value $85.00)

  • Digital files on High Resolution disc

  • Online hosting for sharing with family and friends

Thanks so much for your interest and keep an eye out for the launch in March/April of 2010!

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