Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Love Story...

I recently had the opportunity to shoot some engagement portraits for my little brother. He recently came back to California after being away for 5 years. He has served our country, did two tours in Iraq and met his beautiful-soon-to-be wife in Savannah, GA. They fell in love and she came home with him to sunny California. Not only was it an HONOR to shoot their portraits but I had a lot of fun too! They are a super cute couple who will always have you laughing until your belly aches.

It's funny because this little tree setting is in the most unlikely of spots. I love that the leaves on the tree were falling off and that the branches were kind of bare. I can't wait to go back in the spring and see how they fill in.

I actually got the, "Sitting in a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G" idea from my very talented photographer friend Karen Demamiel. She did some amazing family portraits in a tree and I really can't take credit for the idea.

I absolutely LOVE this red wall. It photographs really well and is a lot of fun to use in pictures.

And then there is the brick! They really hammed it up for me during these next few shots. It happened to be very close to pouring rain and I can't even begin to tell you how COLD it was! My hands were numb and all of us were shivering but they still managed to be silly.

Aww....thanks guys for having me take your portraits! I had a great time and I can't wait for the wedding next year!

So, I had to throw this one in...this is my brother and I when he came back from Iraq the last time. We (my mom & I) got to fly to South Carolina and meet him at the flight deck when he got off the plane. We watched it land and had to find him out of the 500 other Marines that came home that day. With tons of tears and long hugs we welcomed him back home! Thank you Joey for serving our country and making the sacrfices that you did. I love you oh, so much!!

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