Monday, December 28, 2009


This photo session was SO special to me. After we got done shooting portraits, the family here expressed to me how they do not have not ONE picture of their youngest son smiling. Not ONE! I couldn't believe it. He is the happiest little boy in person but for some reason he isn't into having his portrait taken.

So when I started sorting through their session and I saw this....

And this...

And this...

I just couldn't contain myself. I couldn't wait to get these portraits back to this family and shout, "WE did it!!" We hit a SMILEstone! You see, to me being a photographer is SO much more than f/stops and shutter speeds. It's an opportuinty to touch someone's heart with this talent that the LORD has blessed me with. To make a small difference in someone's life.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this moment with you! Words cannot express how this session has forever touched my heart!!

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