Saturday, April 24, 2010

ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes...

Last week or maybe it was a couple of weeks ago??...I had the pleasure of taking some almost newborn (I say almost because he is almost 3 months old) portraits of my newest baby nephew out in Huntington Beach. Now, I may be partial but I think my nephew is one of the most handsome babies on the planet. He has such an old soul. His eyes are serious and wise...and I could just gobble him up.

I almost missed that smile. Every time I would put my camera down to re-adjust him or move the blanket he would give his mom the biggest grin. Thank goodness for my cat-like-reflexes (LOL) because that shot almost didn't happen.

Aren't those bubbles cute!!

My nephew wasn't feeling the shoot for too long but when he fell asleep he let me move his hand to under his cheek. It totally brought me back to my Picture People days.

Yes, I did get my start at Picture People. But it was back when they were shooting all film.

Well, Erika thanks for having me shoot your portraits for the baby. He is sweet as pie...and Auntie will be gobbling him up every time I get a chance!!

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