But through it all, the Kelley family were TROPPERS! I mean, one of kind, real life troppers. They didn't complain or rush or reschedule. All things I would have entertained if I were there them. Instead, they made the best of the sitution and wrapped up the baby in between shots with cozy blankets and in the end it was totally worth enduring the weather. We had such a great time that even though I made the mistake of wearing sandals, I didn't remember that my toes were numb until I got back into my car to go home.
I have to say, this family is the most loving, kind and gentle people that I have had the pleasure of getting to know. Every time I see them I love hearing their son tell me about his hockey team and I have got watch their little girl grow in what seems like overnight. I got to watch their playful banter and hear their bells of laughter. I got to see them coo over their daughter and loving embrace their son. That afternoon, I got to be there and perserve each of those little moments for them and it was awesome.
Thank you guys for a great time at Harveston!
You are too sweet! Thanks for posting about us we loved our photo shoot with you, but next time I'm requesting no wind! -m