Thursday, June 10, 2010

Anybody out there???

Hello? Hello? Is anybody out there? Can anybody hear me? Just wondering. It's 3am. Yes, 3:01 to be exact and I am taking a break from sorting out some wedding portraits that I took a couple of weeks ago. And I just wanted to blog. I wanted to just put it all out there for no one really. I know I don't have a following of sorts and I know I will probably be the only one reading this blog post. But something WONDERFUL happened today.

You see, I stumbled upon something truly fascinating. Truly life altering. I found Jasmine Star's old blog. What old blog you say? You mean she didn't always have that AMAZING blog that looks like a fashion magazine with editorial shots of fab weddings that makes you feel inferior every time you look at them?? No, she didn't. And the fact that I was able to go back and look at where she came from and see a part of that journey is something that will stick with me FOREVER. I know, totally cheesy right?? But seriously...

I mean, I am in this place...this frustrating place where I am kicking myself every time I sit at my computer. I'm struggling. I'm frustrated. I'm not perfect. You see I have this nagging voice in my head that pokes fun at me. It laughs at me. And it tells me that my work, my photography, my "portraits" they all have to be perfect or they aren't good enough. And I am just not where I want to be artistically...YET.

And after reading Jasmine's old blog...the one where she is kind of in the same place that I am in, I am so HAPPY. Because today, I can tell that nagging voice in my head I don't have to be perfect, I just have to be better than yesterday. And the rest will come in time. And today, I can say THANK YOU to that nagging voice inside me because it is what drives me to get better. To give 150% when I don't want to or when others tell me I don't have to. It is what sets me apart from others, what reminds me that I am in the right place doing the right thing. It's what makes my clients feel like they are important to me and most of all, its what keeps me being true to myself.

So, thank you to my nagging, annoying, frustrating, insanely critical voice inside my head and thank you to Jasmine for showing me that it's okay to be new & frustrated and not perfect. And for saying, it's okay to make mistakes.

So, for anybody out there...that may or may not be listening...THANK YOU!

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