Friday, November 13, 2009

Meet you at the CROSS

One of my really good friends had me do her family portraits at our churches property in Menifee (which was a GREAT idea that I totally can't take credit for). It is out on this dirt road with nothing around but dirt, tumble weeds and these three huge CROSSES. The pictures turned out PRECIOUS! I think I am going to take my kiddos there!

If you look closely at this picture on the side of the cross someone wrote, "Oh, where art thou..." which just adds to the beauty of this picture. With the family collectively putting their hands on the cross...It just screams to me, "God we are here...together as a family and we know where to find YOU...we'll meet you at the cross. Everyday, every hour, every minute of our lives!"

And on the other hand, it makes me wonder what the person was feeling when they wrote that on there? What was happening in their life? Were they searching for God?? If they were, those four words are so ironic to me because they were written on the cross and that is exactly were we can find Him!

And then there is this...three beautiful children looking up at the cross knowing exactly who they will find there. A visual reminder of love, mercy and faithfullness. We sereve an AWESOME God and I am touched by the powerful simplicity of these portraits.

And lastly, this picture wasn't planned. I was trying to get the kids walking down the hill with the crosses in the background. Their dad was standing on the side watching me take their portraits and when I saw him there I couldn't help but shoot away. Here he is...raising his children up in the Word to send them into the world when they are ready as he watches closely from behind with God on his side.

Thanks guys for letting me shoot your family portraits...these pictures have touched my heart in a way that you may never know.

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