Sunday, May 16, 2010

Senior Session

Took a walk down memory lane the other day when I shot some senior portraits at my old high school. I hadn't been to Murrieta Valley since I graduated in 2001. It was like having an out of body experience. Or more like a scene from the "Twilight Zone"...things looked the same but everything was different. It was cool to see how the campus has changed and how it was still the same all the same time. And then after all made me old.

This shot ROCKS! I love how the scoreboard is in the background with Tyler in his jersey doin' his thing. After editing all these, it made me wish I had listened to my parents and taken senior portraits. But hey, at least now I get to take them just behind the lens!

So, I was messin around with Tyler and telling him that if the whole football thing doesn't work out he could always call up Abercrombie. He was such a natural in front of camera and a trooper! All of those weeds that he is sitting in had these stickers (fox tails) that were poking him and making it uncomfortable. Even I had them all in my socks and every where on my jeans. But Tyler totally pushed through and humored me with all of my "ideas" for these shots.

I have to admit that I had some help on this shot from Tyler's mom and his girlfriend. I don't know what they did behind me that made him laugh like this but I am sure glad they did.

Thanks guys for having me shoot your portraits! And a big congrats to the senior class of 2010!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Taryn + Tim

A few weeks ago (I know...isn't that bad, weeks not days!), I went out to Huntington Beach to shoot some engagement portraits for a really cool couple. They wanted to do some fun "rockabilly" type portraits in their backyard and then we headed on over to the beach to finish up. I had a LOT of fun with these two.

I'm lovin' those heels!! And the look on Taryn's face is PRICELESS! These two really played it up when we were shooting and just had fun with the whole thing. Another plus, they had a really cool neighbor that let us borrow his paper so we could complete the look in this portrait.

As I was editing these I totally noticed that Taryn has some "Drew Barrymore" type features. Don't you think??

My favorite part about this hand shot is that they AREN'T holding hands. They were walking towards me and Tim reached his hand back to grab Taryn's but their hands didn't quite meet before I took the shot.

Thanks Taryn & Tim for such a great session, I can't wait for your wedding!!


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